Initiatives for Respect for Human Rights

Green tea leaf
Green tea leaf

Respect for human rights forms the foundation of the ITO EN Group’s management principle, “Always Putting the Customer First,” and underlies all of our business activities. In accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the ITO EN Group has established policies, including the Human Rights Policy and Fundamental Supplier Policy, to encourage respect for human rights and achieve sustainable supply chain management.


Human Rights Policy

The ITO EN Group has formulated the ITO EN Group Human Rights Policy based on advice from external experts with specialized knowledge and practical experience in matters regarding human rights. The policy was approved by ITO EN's Board of Directors before being signed by the president.

To share this policy, it is translated into the languages spoken in the countries and regions where the ITO EN Group operates. All of our officers and employees are continuously provided with the education and training necessary for implementing the policy. We share the policy with our suppliers so they can understand and support it. Furthermore, we check and assess how they comply with the policy and collaboratively promote initiatives to respect human rights in the supply chain.

Process for formulating the policy

When we were formulating the ITO EN Group Human Rights Policy based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in March 2020, we engaged in dialogue with stakeholders including human rights experts.

System (governance)

About the promotion structure

The ITO EN Group considers respect of human rights as an important issue and its Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) who is responsible for personnel and human rights issues oversees the establishment of a framework for promoting initiatives led by the Risk Management Committee (chairperson: president), an advisory body to the Board of Directors. The Risk Management Committee discusses plans and initiatives regarding human rights due diligence and reports information about them to the Board of Directors.


The committee also cooperates with the Sustainability Promotion Committee (chairperson: president).

About the promotion structure

Human rights due diligence

The ITO EN Group engages in dialogue with its stakeholders based on the ITO EN Group Human Rights Policy and, with the cooperation of human rights specialists, structures and implements its human rights due diligence framework for working to identify, prevent, mitigate and redress human rights risks. The progress of our initiatives regarding respect for human rights is made available on our website, in integrated reports and in other media.

Implementation process

Implementation process

Initiatives in 2023

As we began implementing human rights due diligence activities in 2023, initiatives are under way with the help of Caux Round Table (CRT) Japan.

Months and years The ITO EN Group's initiatives
March 2023 A training session is held for the management personnel of ITO EN Group companies.
April A study session on business and human rights and a workshop on human rights due diligence risk assessment are held for managerial-level employees in major departments.

Human rights impact assessed

Non-Japanese workers of agricultural corporations

Non-Japanese workers of our in-house factories

October CHRO presented ITO EN's initiatives regarding human rights due diligence at the 2023 Business and Human Rights Conference (the12th) sponsored by CRT Japan.
  • Discussion of human rights issues by the Risk Management Committee

Months and years Meeting body Agenda
September 2023 Risk Management Committee ITO EN Group's initiatives to mitigate human rights risks

Assess human rights risks

Process for identifying human rights risks

In 2023, we defined important human rights themes based on the results of a survey conducted in accordance with the following process in cooperation with CRT Japan.

1. Secondary research to assessment human rights risks (April)

Human rights risks in the countries where we conduct business were assessed using CRT Japan’s knowledge.

2. Identification of human rights themes at the human rights due diligence risk assessment workshop (April)

A workshop was held with managerial-level people from major departments to discuss global trends related to business and human rights and changes in the things that society demands from companies, before identifying latent human rights issues in our supply chains and the rights holders that are negatively impacted (workers, communities, ITO EN’s employees and consumers in the supply chain).

Identification of human rights themes at the human rights due diligence risk assessment workshop (April)
3. Interviews with related departments (May)

CRT Japan conducted research and analysis to dig deeper into the identified human rights themes.

High priority human rights themes

Work environment of tea producers and non-Japanese workers at our in-house factories

Working environment for workers at contractors (production, logistics, waste)

Work environment for workers and impact on the environment for nearby residents at overseas raw material suppliers (Central and South America)


The ITO EN Group has set up the Corporate Ethics Hotline for anyone in the country, including customers, to direct their whistleblowing reports to. In FY2023, a whistleblowing contact point exclusively for overseas ITO EN Group companies started operating and accepting reports, requests for consultation and questions from inside and outside the Group.

Implementation of activities to raise awareness of human rights and human rights training

Human rights awareness-raising activities for management and employees

The ITO EN Group provides the education and training necessary for implementing the ITO EN Group Human Rights Policy.

In 2023, we held training sessions for management and executives at ITO EN Group companies. Business and human rights experts were invited to lecture. As part of compliance education, training sessions for employees also discuss topics such as power harassment and sexual harassment.

Meanwhile, by addressing human rights issues through our business activities, we have sought to make employees more aware and understanding of human rights issues in local communities.

Human rights awareness-raising activities for management and employees

Human rights awareness-raising activities for suppliers

ITO EN explains the ITO EN Group Human Rights Policy to suppliers at quality meetings, explanatory meetings for suppliers and on other occasions. We also rate suppliers periodically and share initiatives to prevent human rights issues, etc. in a collaborative manner based on the ITO EN Group Fundamental Supplier Policy and the Supplier Code of Conduct based on the ITO EN Group Fundamental Supplier Policy.

Engagement in dialogue with stakeholders and experts

The ITO EN Group engaged in dialogue with human rights specialists, outside organizations and other stakeholders and promotes initiatives for respecting human rights.

Stakeholder engagement

Caux Round Table (CRT) Japan

Since September 2023, monthly meetings have been held to review our initiatives for respecting human rights in line with the United Nation Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

ITO EN's human rights due diligence initiatives were announced by CHRO at the 2023 Business and Human Rights Conference (the 12th) held in October 2023.

The Consumer Goods Forum

In May 2019, ITO EN joined the Consumer Goods Forum's social sustainability working group to share information for the promotion of human rights due diligence and collaboratively eliminate forced labor.