ITO EN Group Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct goes hand-in-hand with our various policies, declarations and other documents based on the customer first principle and indicates our stance (Basic Policy) for ensuring that the ITO EN Group conducts its business activities properly and the way in which all individuals working for the Group should conduct themselves (Code of Behavior).
Basic Policy
The ITO EN Group will comply with domestic and overseas laws and regulations, social norms, internal rules and other requirements, take seriously the expectations and requests of all those who support the Group (stakeholders), including consumers, shareholders, retailers, suppliers, financial institutions, local communities and Group employees, and respond to them sincerely.
1. We will maintain healthy and normal relationships with society.
2. We will conduct all transactions fairly, on a mutually equal footing and in good faith.
3. We will understand human rights, and promote initiatives to ensure respect for human rights.
4. We will create an environment where diverse employees can work healthily with enthusiasm.
5. We will provide products which are natural, healthy, safe, well-designed and delicious.
6. We will aim to increase our appeal by continuously striving to enhance our corporate value and we will also contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and environment.
7. We will all single-mindedly do our best to give our customers peace of mind and satisfaction and earn their trust.
8. We will collaborate with all stakeholders and fulfill our corporate social responsibility.
Code of Behavior
Based on the Basic Policy, this Code of Behavior specifies how individuals working for the ITO EN Group should conduct themselves in the form of standards which must be adhered to.
Chapter 1 Being sincere and acting in good faith
1. We will maintain healthy and normal relationships with society.
- 1-1 Compliance with laws and regulations and corporate ethics
- We will conduct our business activities in accordance with applicable domestic and foreign laws and regulations, social norms, and corporate ethics.
- 1-2 Acting with common sense as a member of society
- Each of us shall act with common sense and in good faith, conducting ourselves sincerely both in business and in private.
- 1-3 Thorough implementation of document and information management
- Recognizing the importance of all kinds of documents and information, we will endeavor to manage them appropriately.
- 1-4 Appropriate accounting procedures and internal controls
- We will carry out appropriate accounting procedures and implement effective internal controls in accordance with laws, regulations and internal rules.
- 1-5 Prohibition of transactions involving conflict of interest
- We will not engage in acts which run counter or might run counter to the interests of the company.
- 1-6 Management, protection and observance of company assets and intellectual property rights
- We will properly manage and use company assets (tangible and intangible) and not use them for private purposes. We will endeavor to protect our own rights in company inventions conceived in the course of business activities and we will avoid infringing on the patents and other intellectual property rights of other companies.
- 1-7 Severance of relations with antisocial forces
- We will take a resolute stance against antisocial forces that threaten the social order, whether groups or individuals, break off all ties with them and refuse to comply with unjust demands.
- 1-8 Safe driving
- We will drive safely, complying with traffic laws and regulations, regardless of whether we are driving for business or personal purposes.
2. We will conduct all transactions fairly, on a mutually equal footing and in good faith.
- 2-1 Maintenance of fair business relationships
- Recognizing that providing products and services on reasonable terms through fair market competition is the greatest service we can provide to customers, we will provide fair business opportunities and conduct our activities in compliance with competition law and other relevant laws.
- 2-2 Prohibition of insider trading and other illicit stock trading
- We will not engage in insider trading or any other stock transactions which might raise insider trading suspicions.
- 2-3 Prohibition of bribery and fraud
- We will comply with laws, regulations and social norms for the prevention of bribery and corruption and refrain from making illegal political donations to politicians and providing benefit to public officials, and from giving and receiving entertainment and gifts beyond the extent of social norms.
3. We will understand human rights, and promote initiatives to ensure respect for human rights.
- 3-1 Respect for human rights
- We will respect human rights and treat individuals fairly according to their aptitudes and abilities, without discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation (and gender identity), age, ethnicity, nationality, race, religion, ideology, beliefs, social status, family origin, disability or other characteristic.
- 3-2 Prohibition of harassment
- We will not engage in any form of harassment, including power harassment taking advantage of superiority at work, sexual harassment, and harassment regarding pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave and nursing care leave.
4. We will create an environment where diverse employees can work healthily with enthusiasm.
- 4-1 Creation of an environment where diverse employees can work with enthusiasm
- We will nurture diversity and implement workstyle reforms, striving to create an environment where every employee can work healthily with enthusiasm.
- 4-2 Maintenance of safe and sound workplaces
- Recognizing the importance of workplace safety and health, we will manage and maintain workplaces to prevent accidents at work, while also focusing on health management, to ensure the health and peace of mind of our employees.
Chapter 2 Making constant efforts
5. We will provide products which are natural, healthy, safe, well-designed and delicious.
- 5-1 Provision of safe products that people can enjoy with peace of mind
- We will create natural, healthy, safe, well-designed, and delicious products based on a rigorous control system spanning every stage, from raw materials to the finished products we provide to our customers.
- 5-2 Appropriate product labeling and informative advertising
- Our product labelling and representation will be in compliance with the laws and regulations in the countries in which we operate, suitable and easy to understand, and not misleading.
- 5-3 Proposal of fulfilling lifestyles that contribute to health
- We will implement initiatives as a Health Creation Company which contributes to the health of customers around the world and helps every individual enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle.
6. We will aim to increase our appeal by continuously striving to enhance our corporate value and we will also contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and environment.
- 6-1 Creating shared value
- We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and environment by creating shared value (CSV) which simultaneously solves social issues and drives the growth of the ITO EN Group.
- 6-2 Preservation of the global environment
- While contributing to the sustainable use of resources, we will work to reduce our environmental impact throughout the entire value chain and also make voluntary and continuous efforts to preserve natural capital through the coexistence of humans and nature, aiming for sustainable development of the global environment.
- 6-3 Assistance for disasters and other emergencies
- In the event of a disaster or crisis such as an earthquake, storm, flood or infectious disease epidemic, we will actively cooperate with relief efforts for victims and people or organizations which need support, including providing material assistance.
Chapter 3 Building trust
7. We will all single-mindedly do our best to give our customers peace of mind and satisfaction and earn their trust.
- 7-1 Dealing with customers in good faith
- We will take customer feedback and inquiries seriously and deal with them quickly and in good faith.
- 7-2 The spirit of “STILL NOW”
- We will constantly question “what customers are still now dissatisfied with,” and contribute to solving their requests and dissatisfactions.
8. We will collaborate with all stakeholders and fulfill our corporate social responsibility.
- 8-1 Appropriate corporate communication activities and timely disclosure of information
- Through corporate communication activities, we will make timely and appropriate information disclosures to investors and other stakeholders, aiming to give them an accurate understanding of our management and overall activities.
- 8-2 Responsibility to stakeholders
- We will attach importance to dialogue with stakeholders, listen to the voice of society, and reflect the views of stakeholders and society in our management, in order to fulfill our social responsibilities.
- 8-3 Dealing with problems properly and preventing a recurrence
- In the event of a problem or incident, we will first endeavor to gain an accurate understanding of the facts and investigate the root cause; we will then take the established facts seriously, dealing with the problem firmly and implementing comprehensive measures to prevent a recurrence.