Sustainability Management

Sustainability Management
For the ITO EN Group, action on sustainability issues is fundamental to sustainable corporate management. We are committed to promoting sustainability management in line with the sustainability-related material issues we have identified alongside our medium- to long-term management plan (FY2022 – FY2026) established in June 2022.
ITO EN Group Basic Sustainability Policy
In accordance with the ITO EN Group Basic Sustainability Policy, which is the Group's fundamental approach to sustainability management, the ITO EN Group aims to both solve environmental and social issues and enhance corporate value (creating shared value=CSV).
Sustainability Promotion System
The ITO EN Group sees the promotion of sustainability as an important management issue and established the Sustainability Promotion Committee chaired by President and Executive Officer Daisuke Honjo. The committee meets four times a year. The committee has established and operates a sustainability promotion structure, identifies and reviews material sustainability issues, and considers measures, policies and other matters related to social and environmental issues, with the aim of enhancing sustainability management. Key matters considered by the committee are reported and deliberated on by the Executive Board and Board of Directors, and reflected in subsequent management strategies.
Meanwhile, the CSO* (Yoshihisa Nakano, Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer) is responsible for promoting sustainability initiatives.
*Chief Sustainability Officer